Labour law

Labour law
← Go back to servicesAt Devesa we provide, from our offices in Madrid, Alicante and Valencia, specialised advice on labour law. We advise in cases of confict between companies and employees, both in the preliminary phase or extrajudicial negotiation, as well as taking on the legal management of this type of labour matters before Labour Courts and Tribunals.
Within the different issues of labour law, our team of lawyers has proven experience and a high level of success in the areas of practice mentioned below.
In particular, among the services we provide in the labour law department, stand out the following:
- Legal management and negotiation in dismissal and redundancy procedures.
- Labour recruitment.
- Labour auditing (especially in the context of due diligence reports for the sale and purchase of companies).
- Representation and assistance to clients before labour inspections.
- Negotiating collective bargaining agreements.
- Legal advice on drawing up equality plans.
- Advising on Special labour relations.