Legal Notice

1. Identification details. You are visiting the website, which is owned by the company DEVESA SERVICIOS JURIDICOS Y FISCALES, SLP (hereinafter also referred to as “the OWNER”), which has its registered office at Calle Velázquez, 59 2º Izquierda, 28001 Madrid and tax identification number (CIF) B-54207782. This company is duly registered in the Trade Registry of Alicante in Volume 3149, Book 0, Page 141, Sheet A-104555, Entry 1.

You may contact the OWNER via any of the following means:
Telephone: +34 966 889 020
Contact email address:

2. Web hosting.
Telephone: +34 965 861 024
Contact email address:

3. Users. These terms and conditions (hereinafter, “the Legal Notice”) aim to regulate use of the website that the OWNER makes available to the public. Accessing and/or using this website grants the status of USER, and the USER accepts, by accessing and/or using the website, the general terms and conditions of use expressed herein. These terms and conditions of use will apply regardless of the general terms and conditions of hire that must be complied with, if applicable.

4. Use of the portal provides access to a multitude of information, services, programs and data (hereinafter, “the contents”) on the Internet pertaining to the OWNER or its licensors which the USER may access.

The USER accepts liability for using the portal. Said liability extends to registration, if necessary, in order to access certain services or contents. When registering, the USER will be responsible for providing truthful, lawful information. The USER undertakes to make suitable use of the contents and services that the OWNER offers via its portal, and the USER will refrain from using them for activities including, but not limited to, the following:

  • Engaging in unlawful, illegal activities or those that are contrary to good faith and public order.
  • Disclosing contents or propaganda that are racist, xenophobic or illegal pornographic in nature, as well as those that glorify terrorism or which infringe upon human rights.
  • Causing harm to the physical and logical systems of DEVESA SERVICIOS JURIDICOS Y FISCALES, SLP, its providers or third parties, and entering or diffusing on the network any computer viruses or any other physical or logical systems that are likely to cause the aforementioned harm.
  • Trying to access and, if applicable, use the email accounts of other users and modifying or handling their messages.
  • Using the website or information contained therein for commercial, political, advertising and any sales purposes, especially in sending unsolicited emails.

The OWNER reserves the right to remove all comments or contributions that infringe upon respect for personal dignity, that are discriminatory, xenophobic, racist or pornographic, that constitute an attack on youth or childhood, public order and safety, or that, in its opinion, are not suitable for publication. In any case, the OWNER will not be liable for the opinions stated by users through forums, chat rooms and other participatory tools.

5. Data protection. All matters related to data protection are detailed in our Privacy Policy.

6. Contents. Intellectual and industrial property. The OWNER, or its licensors, owns all intellectual and industrial property rights to its website, in addition to the elements contained on it (including, but not limited to: images, photographs, sound, audio, video, software and texts; brands or logos, colour combinations, structure and design, selection of materials used, computing programs necessary for its functioning, access and use, etc.).

All rights reserved. Pursuant to the provisions of articles 8 and 32.1, second paragraph, of the Intellectual Property Act, all reproduction, distribution and public communication, including the manner in which it is made available, of either all or part of the contents of this website, for commercial purposes, on any medium and via any technical means, is expressly prohibited if the OWNER has not granted authorisation.

7. Guarantee and liability waiver. The USER recognises that he/she uses the website and its contents and services under his/her exclusive responsibility. Specifically, the OWNER is not liable in scopes including, but not limited to, the following:

  1. The operational availability of the website, its services and contents, and its quality or interoperability.
  2. The purpose for which the website serves the USER’S objectives.
  3. The violation of current legislation by the USER or third parties and, in particular, of intellectual and industrial property rights owned by other persons or entities.
  4. The existence of malicious codes or any other harmful computing element that may cause damage to the USER’S computer system or that of third parties. In any case, the USER is responsible for having in place suitable tools to detect and eliminate these elements.
  5. Fraudulent access to the contents or services by unauthorised third parties or, if applicable, the capture, deletion, alteration, modification or handling of any kinds of messages and communications that third parties may develop.
  6. The exactness, truthfulness and usefulness of the contents and services offered and the subsequent use made of these by the USER. The OWNER will go to every effort and employ all reasonable means to provide updated, reliable information.
  7. The damage caused to computer equipment while accessing the website and the damage caused to USERS when said damages are caused by failures or disconnections in telecommunications networks that interrupt the service.
  8. The damage that may arise from circumstances caused by acts of god or force majeure.
    If forums exist, when using these and other, similar spaces the USER must consider that the messages published solely reflect the opinion of the USER who issues them, and he/she alone is solely liable. The OWNER is not liable for the content of the messages sent by the USER.

8. Modification of this Legal Notice and term.
The OWNER reserves the right to make any modifications it deems necessary to its portal, without having to provide prior notice. It may change, suppress or add as many contents and services that it provides via the portal, as well as the form in which they are represented or their location on its portal.

These terms and conditions will remain in force for as long as they are displayed and until they are modified by others, which must be duly published.
9. Links.

If were to include links or hyperlinks to other internet sites, the OWNER will not control these sites and their contents. Under no circumstances will the OWNER be liable for the contents of a link pertaining to an external website, nor will it guarantee the technical availability, quality, reliability, exactness, extensiveness, truthfulness, validity or constitutionality of any material or information contained on any of these hyperlinks and other internet sites. Similarly, inclusion of these external connections will not imply any type of association, merger or involvement with the connected entities.

10. Right to exclude. The OWNER reserves the right to deny or withdraw access to the portal and/or the services offered without the need for prior warning, at its own behest or at the behest of a third party, to users who fail to comply with the provisions of this Legal Notice.

11. General considerations. The OWNER will pursue a failure to comply with these terms and conditions, as well as any undue use of its portal, by exercising any civil and criminal actions the company may be entitled to by law.

12. Applicable legislation and jurisdiction. The relationship between the OWNER and the USER will be governed by Spanish legislation in force. All disputes and claims related to this Legal Notice will be settled by Spanish courts.

13. Minors. aims its services at users over 18 years of age. Users under this age are not authorised to use our services and, therefore, they should not send us their personal data. You are hereby informed that, should this circumstance arise, DEVESA SERVICIOS JURIDICOS Y FISCALES, SLP is not liable for the possible consequences that may result from failure to comply with the warning established in this clause.