Category: Tax law

Corporate Income Tax (IS) is one of the most relevant taxes in the Spanish tax sphere, generally affecting all entities operating in the national territory. With the entry into 2025, various tax reforms will be implemented, mainly introduced by Law 7/2024 and Royal Decree-Laws 9/2024 and 10/2024, which are of great importance given the significant […]
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Related-party transactions in Corporation Tax: wha […] Related-party transactions in Corporation Tax: what they are, form 232 and how to document them
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Once again this year, the date for filing form 232 is approaching, which takes place during the month of November for those companies that close their tax year on 31 December. For many, this form is probably completely unknown, but it is very important for companies to be aware of it and to assess whether […]
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Tax residence: dual residence conflicts Tax residence: dual residence conflicts
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Spain is an increasingly attractive country, whether for strategic or commercial considerations or, directly, for the quality of life it offers, which in turn attracts the establishment and location of foreign individuals with large estates, both within and outside our territory. However, often, due to a lack of knowledge of the applicable regulations, significant risks […]
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Taxation of leasing of housing for employee use Taxation of leasing of housing for employee use
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Nowadays it is quite common for companies not only to pay monetary remuneration for the work of their employees, but also to pay for these services by offering their employees payments in kind, some of the most common being: the assignment of the use of a house or a vehicle, the contracting of medical insurance, […]
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How does the distribution of dividends affect a co […] How does the distribution of dividends affect a company when its partner is not a tax resident in Spain?
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There are many cases in which a company established in Spain distributes dividends to its partner who is not a tax resident in Spain. In this type of case, both Spanish companies and non-resident partners encounter difficulties in determining the taxation of this income. This is due to the fact that not only are Spanish […]
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Do I have to declare my shares in a company for we […] Do I have to declare my shares in a company for wealth tax purposes?
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As is well known, the voluntary period for filing Personal Income Tax (hereinafter, “IRPF”) and Wealth Tax (hereinafter, “IP”) for the 2023 tax year opened on 3 April. This voluntary filing period will end on 1 July. In this blog post, we are going to focus exclusively on the IP and, specifically, on the obligation […]
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Tax liability for business succession: a real risk […] Tax liability for business succession: a real risk.
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Within the economic circulation, on many occasions investment opportunities come up and offer us either the possibility of acquiring other businesses, or either to acquire functioning businesses or others that have ended their activity, but we think that we can relaunch with another type of management. Usually, the acquiring party prefers to buy the business […]
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